Educational Crossroads Forum

On Tuesday January 5, 2016 a large group of parents, teachers, administrators and school board members attended a forum entitled “Educational Crossroad…Where Do We Go From Here?” at the Saxton Middle School in Patchogue. PMCT President, Beth Warnken started the night off with an inspiring introduction to the forum. Speakers included Dr. Steven Cohen, Superintendent of Shoreham-Wading River Schools, Mrs. Lori Koerner, Educator, Administrator and Professor of Special Education, Dr. David Ferrin, Psychologist, CPSE Chair, Director, All About Kids and Dr. Michael Hynes, Superintendent, Patchogue-Medford Schools. They spoke at length about the damage Common Core and High Stakes Testing has done to public education and to the children attending out schools. The stress of testing is hurting out kids because of the emphasis on good scores being more important than understanding. Producing good scores has become more important than cultivating the mind of our students. Common Core is one size fits all and children cannot be standardized. Of special concern are our youngest students who are doing grill and drill work instead of having time to play. Play is the language of a children’s cognitive development. PLAY IS LEARNING. There is also a great concern that we will not have enough highly qualified teachers in the future as the teacher training programs have seen a tremendous decrease in enrollment this year. The speakers stressed that all of us must become vocal, informed and involved. We must keep the love of learning flowing from elementary to high school.

Video Stream can be seen here –


PMCT Exec Board Members all “Red For Ed” – Kerri Simeone, Syndee Zegel, Beth Warnken, Kevin Toolan and Lynda Nowicki

Speakers – Dr. David Ferrin, Mrs. Lori Koerner, Mrs. Beth Warnken, Dr. Steven Cohen and Dr. Michael Hynes

Brian O’Neil and Chris Angelora



Educational Crossroads…Where do We go From Here? – Tuesday January 5th – 7:00PM

Please put this important event on your calendars.  Screen Shot 2016-01-01 at 11.26.43 AM

Please visit the links below to see recently published items written by Dr. Hynes:

PMCT Attends NYSUT Leadership Training

PMCT Executive Board Members, Beth Warnken, Kevin Toolan, June Gagnon, Linda Nowicki and Syndee Zegel took part in NYSUT’s Leadership Training the weekend of November 20-22, 2015. The group worked on strategizing ways to improve member attendance at meetings, activities, and important educational events. Ways to improve communication and disseminate information to the PMCT membership were discussed and plans were developed. Building Representative Jennifer Hempfling attended building representative trainings where contract items and the Freidrich’s case were discussed. The group was validated by NYSUT leadership in regards to all that we do and is excited to begin implementing new ideas!

From L-R- Beth Warnken, Linda Nowicki, Kevin Toolan, June Gagnon and Syndee Zegel


From L-R- Jennifer Hempfling, Syndee Zegel, Kevin Toolan, Debra Lloyd Priest(NYSUT LRS), Beth Warnken, June Gagnon and Lynda Nowicki


Sunrise at Gurneys Inn at Montauk

Patchogue’s Four Corners Turned RED FOR ED – Thurs. Sept. 17, 2015

A large group of parents, teachers, administrators and local Assemblyman, Dean Murray, held a rally to protest the Common Core curriculum and the high stakes teacher evaluations imposed on public schools by Governor Cuomo in the last legislative session. These rallies were held simultaneously in 17 communities across Long Island on Thursday September 17, 2015. Rallies and forums like this will continue as the parents in New York State love their schools and will fight for local control of their children’s education.