On Sunday, December 8, several PMCT members volunteered their time by serving refreshments at the Kiwanis 5K Toy Trot at Shorefront Park in Patchogue. Leading up to the toy drive, many members also donated toys for families in need this holiday season. Students who received the toys were extremely appreciative and even thanked members with cards!

This Thanksgiving season, the Patchogue-Medford Congress of Teachers, which includes all of the teachers, guidance counselors, psychologists, social workers, librarians, deans, department chairpersons, speech pathologists, and teaching assistants, worked together to provide for the families in need that we serve. We provided 25 turkeys and over $750 worth of canned and dry goods so that everyone was able to celebrate a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. In addition, many of our retired teachers returned to the Family Center to help stock the shelves, package the food, and distribute it to the families. Finally, we partnered with Eric Busto of Mutual Inc., who also donated 25 turkeys.

On Monday, November 24, PMCT held their annual Blood Drive at Oregon Middle School. In total, 31 pints of blood were collected at the drive! Thank you to everyone who volunteered their time to donate that day!

On Saturday, October 5, PMCT participated in the Making Strides Breast Cancer Walk in Riverhead. It was a beautiful day, and we were so happy to see so many PMCT members and their families at the event. We would like to thank everyone who donated to the cause. Our PMCT team raised over $5000 for the Making Strides of Eastern Long Island!